University Courses

Innovate 1Z03 – Artificial Intelligence

A course I created on the social issues around Artificial Intelligence, which I taught during the winter, summer, and fall of 2020. I turned my lectures into a podcast, which you can listen to on Spotify and Apple Podcasts by searching “Innovate 1Z03”.

Here’s a preview of the show.

As a textbook, we read Melanie Mitchell’s book Artificial Intelligence: A Guide for Thinking Humans. Additional readings included:

Arts & Science 4HS3  – History of Science Inquiry

A small (15 student) upper-year seminar on the history of science. The course spanned a huge and potentially ill-advised range of subjects. Here were the topics and readings.

What is science?

From the closed world to the infinite universe 

Science, colonialism, and empire 

The iconic cover of Francis Bacon’s Novum Organum, depicting two ships departing the Mediterranean for the “new world”. The latin inscription reads multi pertransibunt et augebitur scientia—many will travel and knowledge shall increase.

Is there a scientific method?

Darwin, Galton, and eugenics
Scientific funding and publishing

Public health and pandemics

The brain and the mind

The production of scientific knowledge

The rise of Big Science

Science as industrial and international: the Large Hadron Collider

Science and Technology

Critics of science

Math 2X03 – Vector Calculus

When I was an undergraduate student I taught a second-year vector calculus course. I loved the subject dearly and still idly draw pictures of coordinate transformations. Here are some of my supplementary notes and exams from that class.

These notes will teach you how to find the area of a transformed shape. Cooler than it sounds!!

Calculus Textbook

I was a teaching assistant for an undergraduate calculus class for multiple years and turned my tutorial notes into a textbook. Students tended to find it quite useful. It’s also a historical artifact of 2014-era memes. You can read it here.